Another commute into work
I rode the fixie into work yesterday and had an about as expected ~16mph average speed. I was really surprised though on the ride home when according to the stop watch on my HRM, I managed 20+mph average speed on the ride home.
I haven't gone that fast on the commute home in a while, even on my Bacchetta Strada high racer.
I'm guessing the main thing was that it forced me to go up hills in a higher gear than I normally would (the fixie being ~66 gear inches with a 48/18 on a 36-559 tire).
I think I'm also more aero on the fixie with moustache bars than I am on my DF geared road bike with drop bars.
I really need to get some new photos with the moustache bars. A guy at work even commented on how cool he thought the bars were.
I haven't gone that fast on the commute home in a while, even on my Bacchetta Strada high racer.
I'm guessing the main thing was that it forced me to go up hills in a higher gear than I normally would (the fixie being ~66 gear inches with a 48/18 on a 36-559 tire).
I think I'm also more aero on the fixie with moustache bars than I am on my DF geared road bike with drop bars.
I really need to get some new photos with the moustache bars. A guy at work even commented on how cool he thought the bars were.
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